Flush valves for urinals

There are various urinal flush valves available on the market. Before you choose a urinal flush valve you need to select the urinal first. The type of urinal will at the end determine what flush valves are available and suitable. So we will discuss the flush valve options according to the urinal type. Two basic urinal types are available

  • Bowl wall mounted urinals
    • back entry and
    • Top entry types
  • Trough urinals.
    • 615 mm to 1850 mm
    • 1850 mm and longer units.

Concealed bowl urinal flush valves

Bowl urinals have either a back entry or top entry connection.  Back entry urinals are used when a concealed flush valve is prefered.

There are two concealed flush valves available:

  1. Button type concealed valves
  2. Infrared hands free flush valves.

The button type is mostly used in factories and vandal prone areas such as mining and prisons. The infrared activated types are very expensive and are mostly used in shopping malls, hotels and upmarket public washrooms.


walcro 155 urinal concealed flush valve

The Walcro 155 urinal flush valve range is ideal for small wall hung urinals and hand wash basin. Used for concealed installation.

Pneumatic urinal flush valve concealed system

Button type concealed urinal flush valve for shopping malls.


urinal commercial in wall mounted shopping mall supplier south africa sadc

Infrared hands free concealed type urinal flush valve

Exposed bowl urinal flush valves

Exposed bowl urinal flush valves are the most popular but not necessary the cheapest option.  The exposed units are easily damaged by vandals. Replacement is also not necessary easier as the concealed units have less parts, especially the 155UW range which has only one valve that can be replaced from the front. Exposed valves can either be activated by pressing a button or hands free via infrared sensors.

WC-103 Exposed bowl urinal flush valve

exposed urinal flush valve supplier south africa

WC-330 exposed bowl urinal flush valve

Large trough urinal flush valves

Trough urinals come in two designs, flat back and curved back urinals. Both come in various lengths from 610mm and longer. Both these trough urinals can accept either a autoflush system or manual flush system.  The autoflush system has a tipping tank inside that tips over once it is full.  The flow rate can be adjusted according to the number of people using it.  So basically a autoflush trough urinal does not have a flush valve system.  Manual flush trough urinals require similar flush valves as bowl urinals, however, the trough urinal flush valve releases a much large volume of water so it cannot be used for bowl urinals.  It is also for that reason that a concealed valve is not used for manual flush systems.  There is only one high volume flush valve for trough urinals and that is the WC-550URV.

It is important to note that for the first 1850 mm length, one valve is used. for 1850 mm and longer two of these valves are used.

Walcro 550 toilet flush-valve adjustable flow control

Walcro 550 toilet flush-valve with lever and adjustable flow control